Find a choir that sings your kind of music: 19 different types of repertoire listed on Choirslist

Maybe you're looking for a choir that sings the classical big hitters such as Brahms, Mozart and Beethoven, maybe you'd like to sing through the charts, or perhaps you want a choir that sings a bit of everything. Using the Search by Repertoire criteria, let Choirslist help you find a choir that sings your kind of music.
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Busting 20 Common Choir Myths

A look at some common myths and misconceptions about choirs and why they are just that - simply myths.
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What to Consider When Looking for a Choir to Join

Are you thinking about joining a choir? Here's a checklist of what to look out for.
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Finding Your Voice: What to Expect from a Free Choir Taster Session

Many non-audition choirs offer a free taster session. This post lays out some simple advice for people attending a free taster session, and what to expect.
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