Exploring 16 different types of choirs and understanding how you can choose the right one for you

Discover the perfect choir for you with Choirslist! This article explores the 16 different types of choirs who have listed on Choirslist London, from amateur to professional, gospel to LGBTQ+ choirs. Whether you seek soul-stirring harmonies or community camaraderie, Choirslist's helps you uncover the diversity of choice across the choir community and find your niche.
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Find a choir that sings your kind of music: 19 different types of repertoire listed on Choirslist

Maybe you're looking for a choir that sings the classical big hitters such as Brahms, Mozart and Beethoven, maybe you'd like to sing through the charts, or perhaps you want a choir that sings a bit of everything. Using the Search by Repertoire criteria, let Choirslist help you find a choir that sings your kind of music.
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Busting 20 Common Choir Myths

A look at some common myths and misconceptions about choirs and why they are just that - simply myths.
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What to Consider When Looking for a Choir to Join

Are you thinking about joining a choir? Here's a checklist of what to look out for.
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