Find your perfect choir
Introducing Choirslist Choir Stories Video Competition: A Celebration of Choirs Across the UK!

Choirslist London
Organised across the 33 Boroughs of London, search over 500 choirs who list their location, type, size, repertoire, rehearsal times and more, offering a valuable information resource for prospective singers looking for their ideal choir to join, and a simple and quick way to get in touch.
Just join a choir!
Joining a choir could be the best decision you make this year. Watch our video if you need more convincing, and share with friends who you think would benefit from joining a choir.
More reasons to join a choirFind the perfect choir for you.
People join all kinds of choirs for all kinds of reasons. Choirslist publishes listings of hundreds of different kinds of choirs and singing groups, both audition and non-audition, based on their type, rehearsal locations and times, size, repertoire and other relevant criteria to help you to search for your ideal choir based on what's important to you.
We're starting with over 500 choirs across London before expanding to other regions across the UK, but wherever you are based you can help us grow the network.